Product Code: MKR002
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We offer plastic garbage cans in the volume of 80, 120, 140, 240 and 360 liters, they are suitable for collection of municipal and industrial waste. The containers comply with DIN EN 840-1. The material from which it is made is recyclable (cadmium-free), resistant to UN radiation, low and higher outside temperatures. Smooth surfaces prevent waste. They are resistant to chemical and biological influences. 80, 140 and 360 liter containers are available in black and green as standard. Other containers in six colors: black, green, yellow, blue, brown or red. Plastic trash cans are not suitable for discharging hot ash. 120 and 240-liter containers can be fitted with a drop in the waste separation lid (plastic, glass, paper, tetrapack). They can be equipped with a triangular lock, chain, metal frame for garbage bags or a stand for an extra charge.
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