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PE 1300 ML BOX BLACK UV TYPE 4313-70-101 UN X1,3 1 pallet = 945 pcs

UN certified containers with a capacity of 1300 ml are suitable for handling and storage of bulk materials or pasty materials. UN certification according to ... Go to description

Product Code: CUU114

  2,44 € s DPH / ks 2,02 € bez DPH / ks

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Volume 1,3 l
UN 1H2 / X1.8 / Y2.0 / Z3.0 / S
Průměr hrdla vnitřní 96 mm
Průměr 99 mm
Výška včetně víka 197,4 mm

UN certified containers with a capacity of 1300 ml are suitable for handling and storage of bulk materials or pasty materials. UN certification according to ADR, IMDG and IATA-DGR allows filling of hazardous substances.
The plastic jars have an intermediate cap and a screw cap, which is fitted with a lock, which prevents unauthorized manipulation of the contents. Thanks to UN certification, the cans can also successfully serve as the outer packaging of hazardous substances requiring packaging in two containers at the same time.

Container with UV barrier 200-400 nm is suitable for pharmaceuticals, special chemicals or food ingredients, where the container prevents degradation of its content by UV radiation. Protects products from moisture and contamination.
The quarter-turn lid cap reduces closing time and handling time.
The inner wall of the can is smooth without embossments for easy and complete emptying.
The container is waterproof. The jars are made with food certification. 


Important notice : The seller reserves the right to change the calculation of the transport in case the real volume of the ordered goods does not correspond to the calculation of the transport price according to the e-shop. In case of changes, the customer will be contacted. Thank you for your understanding.

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